Monday, 15 January 2018


Contemporary challenges that managers take related to the recruitment, placement and orientation of the human aspect of the factor of production, because here the success seems to be elusive as ever due to the dynamic nature of the environment.

The theme of the write up “the analysis of recruitment procedure, its effect on productivity in Kaduna State water Board. “The basic concept is recruitment.

Recruitment in an organization includes all activities that managers engage in to develop a pool of qualified candidates for open position. But it is more than this as it involves selection which B the process by which manager determine the relative qualification of job applicants and their potential for performing well in a particular job. Thus, before actually recruiting and selector an employee, managers needs to engage in tow important activities: human resource planning and job analysis which are the basic upon which recruitment exercise is based.

Hence, recruitment can be defied as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in am organization. It is often termed “positive” because its objective is to increase the selection ratio, that is, the number of applicants per job opening. An organization needs to attract more candidates in order to increase the selection ratio so as to select the most suitable out of all the candidates available.

The process itself may be selection or pre-selective through choosing among the various sources of supply: as well as the decision on which candidate should be permitted to go through subsequent screening procedures. Thus, the procedures involves in recruitment are definition of need which is move through planning and job analysis, the sources and method to be used, the selection process, placement and orientation or induction of nearly employed staff. All the above will be done with the view to employing or recruiting an efficient and effective person who is qualified and has the potential for contributing to the organization productivity.

The concept is applicable to the basic types of recruitment in modem  organization i.e. internal recruitment which includes job posting and biding, and external recruiting which involve, unsolicited application, public recruiting agencies, private recruiting agencies e.t.c But the write up is about procedures and its contribution to efficient operation in Kaduna State water Board.

Recruitment procedures outline in details the specification taken. It appears to follow different pattern’s from one organization to another, this differences is not in recruitment itself but on the policy of the organization.

However, the organization should develop this procedures in accordance with the following concepts.
1.           Procedures are not ends unto themselves, they are means to an end. The objective should be to develop a series of procedures that will facilitate accomplishment of task with minimum effort.
2.           Procedures should be designed to facilitate communication and co-ordination of various efforts.
3.           Effective operations require that responsibility be clearly designed for the accomplishment of each procedure. Failure to do so will result to overlapping to efforts and conflict between operating personnel.
4.           Procedure permits management by exception “a procedure should be establish at the lowest organizational level.

Like any other organization Kaduna State water Board face some unavoidable problems which act as hindrance to productivity, these problems may be as result of recruitment of the wrong personnel, improper job descript from which  also result in overlapping of function.

Thus, the employee of personnel on the right job or in their area of specialization enhances high productivity. Apparently, one does not talk about high level of productivity or efficiency without taking about motivation which is also an purporting instrument which increase the level of productivity in an organization, this can be done after a proper selection, placement and orientation of the employee.

It should be borne in mind that the continue existence of any organization be it private or public is depended upon an effective and efficient management of the human resources of the organization and these goal can be achieved only through the employment of the right personnel for the job, with the necessary qualification and reterest in the job. Effective recruitment of staff to fill job vacancies in an organization is a very important element of management of an organization, because the organization can function well this the right personnel at the right place, with the right perception of the job and derives the right satisfaction for discharging his duties. 

In general the objectives of the study:
-        To find out how recruitment procedure are carried out in the organization
-        To identify problems which organization encounter in recruitment
-        To establish basic for future research on recruitment
-        To identify lapses in the recruitment procedure
-        To suggest ways of improvement during recruitment process
-        To suggest or recommends ways by which recruitment can be done, this will serve as guide to administration of the corporation and similar organization.

For the purpose of this study, the following Hypothesis are set up:
Ho         Application of Recruitment procedure does not contribute to productivity of Kaduna State Water Board.
H1     Application of Recruitment procedure contributes to productivity of Kaduna State Water Board.

          Personnel Recruitment
An adequate personnel recruitment programme requires that the organization should anticipate vacancies as fast as possible in advances Recruitment involves all prospective applicants for job position in the organization. A good recruitment programme is one that is property planned and well operated. Poor recruitment efforts could head to the selection of poor applicants because positions are to be filled too quackly. If a satisfactory recruitment effort is not made, a company may be forced to lower its standards to accept marginal applicants. In Nigeria where certain high-level manpower such as engineers, accountants, doctors, architects, etc are in great demand, a proper recruitment effort must be made if these types of position must be filled by qualified personnel.
Importance of Recruitment
The factors that influence the type of recruitment to be made include:
1.           The quality and member of staff and positions to be filled.
2.           The financial position of the company well -to –do companies can afford to travel overseas, advertise in all news media, and even employ the services of professional employment agencies.
3.           Availability of required staff within the country
4.           Peculiar circumstances of the staff required. Some quality staff required are often bended, have children at school or other commitments that would make the assumption of duty in the company not feasible in the immediate present.

The recruitment of high-level manpower often requires canvassing if suitable candidates are to be recruited. Sources of applicant.  

The internal source of applicants and concentrate on external sources. In many organization, there are often individuates who are qualified to fill the advertised position or who could do so with minimum training. Recruiting from inside encourages rebreeding. In a sales position, recruiting from external sources is often encouraged because salesmen are capable of divulging company secret is to the competitor. Frequent prating of salesmen tends to increase a company’s compensation level in comparison to the competitors. 3 above all, it may be difficult to get these recruits to change their old practices.

Eternal Sources:- The policy of an organization influences the source of applicants. Some enterprises fill their high positions from within the organization and only fill the lower position from outside. Other organizations have an open-door policy which gives equal opportunity to both internal and eternal sources. It must be emphasized that the specific source to be utilized depends on factors such as the sized of the enterprise, the financial resources. Economic conditions and time factor. The major sources of recruitment are:  
1.           Within the company   
2.           other companies (competitors customers and non-competitors)
3.           advertisements
4.           educational institutions
5.           employment agencies
6.           unsolicited applicants
7.           processional organizations
8.           employee referral
9.           Unemployed labour.

It is important for management to know  which source of recruitment that provides the best result many companies do this through research and direct question to employees during the reemployment interviews or during post employment interviews. 

The scope of this study is restricted to Kaduna State which is one of the thirty-six (36) states in Nigeria. Within this state, the study is further restricted to Kaduna State water Board. The scope of this study covers the recruitment procedure and its effect on productivity of the Kaduna State water board as practiced.

Undoubtedly, in writing a meaningful project of this nature, some difficulties are usually encountered which if not properly handle can easily jeopardize the effort of the writer, hence, among such problems are:
i.             TIME:- It is generally belief that time constitutes one of the major factors that is associated with project writing, it has date in which all project works must be completed to avoid carry over into the next semester. As it is often said. “Time is precious and time is money” thus, time constraint has been a setback to the researcher, although effort was however made to over come it by way of personal of sacrifice and time adjustment.
ii.            Cost of material is another limiting factor due to the recession in the economy. This hindered smooth activities of the researcher because without finance it will be of the difficult to carryout project of this nature, which requires contact with respondent, printing and transportation. Hence, the researcher has to resort  to other means i.e. forfeiting major project and making personal sacrifice for the project work       
iii.           Lack of adequate data needed for the write up-this was due to the fact that there organizational secret, which must mot be revealed to outsiders. However, information necessary for the project was made available to the researcher.  Though the organization is situated in Kaduna notwithstanding transportation problem attempts to cripple the efforts of the researcher in the area of data collection.
Kaduna State Water Board is established as the North central water board and it came with existence in May 1971 under the Edit No.2 of 1971 signed by the military Governor, Brigadier Abba Kyari. The Board become a corporate body with perpetual succession and common seal and has vested power to:-
1.           Control and manage all water works
2.           Establish, control, manage, extend and develop such water works (old or new)
3.           Ensure that water is supplied to the public at the public at reasonable changes and inadequate supply.

Kaduna State Water Board being a social service board is not expected to be profit-oriented organization, however, pursuant to the financial policy of the board as laid down under section 20 of the Edit No.2 of 1971 the board has to raise sufficient revenue form the sale of water to:    
i.             Meet its day-to-day operating expenses
ii.            Pay any departmental service cost
iii.           Generate surplus revenue for future extension.

The Board is an autonomous board with member as may be appointed by the state chief Executive usually one member from each local government area of the state. With the growth in the population of Kaduna town and its rapid industrializations. It became afferent obvious that the water production capacity of 18th May in 1979 was grossly inadequate. The Board therefore has to make urgent expansions of its two water works, the north and south works to reduce shortages within the town and its envious.  

1.           Discharge:- Is a disciplinary action given to an employee as the ultimate step or stage of the progress discipline.
2.           Employment procedure. “This is the process whereby the right channel of proper employment pattern is followed during the recruitment exercise.
3.           External recruitment:- When an organization has exhausted its internal supply of applicant, it has to recruit for outside sources i.e. employee who has never work in the organization are employed to fill available vacancy.
4.           Human resources management:- Includes all activities that managers engage in to attract and retain employees and to ensure that they perform at a high level and contribute to the accomplishment of organizational goals.
5.           Integrating test:- Are use to asses a job candidate honesty.
6.           Internal recruitment:- Can be refer as job positing i.e organization can make effective use of skills inventories for identifying internal applicant for job vacancies, it is employing interested employee to filled available vacancies.
7.           Interviews:- Are the most common or popular selection process, it can be structure or unstructured.
8.           Job analysis:- “Is the process of identifying the tests, duties and responsibilities that make up a job i.e. the job description. And for the knowledge, skill, and ability needed to perform the job i.e. specification.
9.           Motivation:- This the propelling forces that make one achieve positive result.
10.       Orientation or induction  or initial training as the guided adjustment of the employee to the organization and his work environment.
11.       Performance test:- Measure job applicants performance on actual job tastes.
Physical ability test:- Tress to measure the physical strength  and stamina.
Placement:- Is the process of putting the right personal into the right jobs.
Productivity:-  Is the efficiency of  work or productivity on relation between result achieved and resources used over a definite period of time, it is the ratio of output to input.
Public sector:- This is an extra ministerial department or other departments apart from ministry which is self autonomous.
Recruitment:- Includes all activities that managers engages in to develop a pool of qualified candidate for open position.
Reference check:- Also known as background investigation consist of verifying information given by an applicant or obtaining additional information.
Reliability:- Refers to the consistency of test scores overtime and across a alternative measurement.
Selection:- Is the process by which managers determine the relative qualification of job applicants and their potential for performing well in a particular job.
Validity:- Refers to the degree to which a test actual predicts or correlates with job performance.