Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Auditing as tools for analyzing business venture profitability

1.0                                                         CHAPTER ONE
1.1                         INTRODUTION

Auditing is  conducted by an independent professional who is not only independent in mind but must be seen to be independent judging from the fact that he does not conduct an audit of the company owned  by any of his blood relation or close relatives.
             Auditing involves a detailed examination embracing a critical review of the system of book keeping and accounting and internal control. Make such inquiries as he deem fit to enable him form an opinion of the reliability of the records as a basic for the preparation of the account, to compute the profit and loss accounts and balance sheet. To make a critical review of the profit and loss account and a balance sheet in order that a report may be make to the members or shareholders. To sate whether in the opinion of the auditor, the accounts are prepared and the items are described in such away that they shows not only the true and fair view, but also are prepared in accordance with the accounting principles.
     The purpose of auditing is for the auditor to form an opinion on the financial statement whether they present a true and fair view but can only be done after the auditor must have satisfied himself on the authenticity of the accounts.
      Auditing is very important to business organization and because of its importance, every organization expects its account to be audited by an independent professional auditor  at the end of the year. Audit report gives the shareholders the confidence that their business is properly managed by the board of directors appointed by them (shareholders).
   This project therefore is an attempt to evaluate the importance of auditing as a tool for analyzing business venture profitability. Coca -Cola Bottling Company, Nguru depot is choosing as a case study.

1.2                         BACKGROUND  OF THE STUDY
This research work seeks to critically examine the importance of an auditor and auditing as a tool for analyzing venture profitability in relation to the internal control system of an organization in the detection and prevention of fraud in the business world today.
   Similarly, the reason why auditors sometimes compromise their independence while executing their duties will be properly examined. Finally providing auditors as well, as student and non-students of business studies to know the relationship between auditing and internal control system of fraud detection and prevention.
1.3                         STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
              Generally speaking, human beings are very complex in nature, and understanding. With the rapid increase in the development of auditing information system and the use of computer in modern business organization, one will have to expect a high degree of excellence and perfection. It is however, disappointing to note that, some organization system still performs below expectations.
   An auditing of financial statement is commuted to determine whether the overall financial statement and the quantifiable information being verified is conducted  in accordance with specified criteria. Normally the criteria are generally accepted accounting principles and generally accepted auditing practice which are adopted in the preparation of financial statement, income statement and cash flow statement.
This research work will be of great importance  to financial institutions. The study is also important in the following ways:
      It will serve as a tool for further study or research. It will also serve as an important tool for the management of institution and office planners in getting the best options of higher productivity. It will also spotlight available information on the auditor’s independence and prevention and detection of fraud in an organization. Taking special note on duties and responsibilities of auditor as stated in the companies and Allied Matters Acts of 1990 and other statutory provisions. Students undertaking relevant work and trainees  will find this work to  be of a great help to them. Managers and shareholders will also benefit from this research work.
1.5                         OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
The primary objectives of auditing is  to enable the auditor to say that accounting shows the true and fair view of the financial situation of an organization. The objectives of  these  study are :
1. Primary reason: to produce a report by the auditor and form his opinion of the truth and fair view of financial statement to any person reading it.
2. Secondary reasons:
·        To detect error and fraud
·        To prevent errors and fraud
·        To provide spin off effectiveness the auditor will be able to accept his clients with accounting system, taxation, financial and other problems.
·        To produce report of what has been audited for Information purposes.
·        To give credibility on the financial statement.
·        To enforce the auditor work in accordance with auditing guidelines or standards.

Nguru is a local government area in Yobe state Nigeria. It head quarters area in the town of Nguru near the Hadeja river. It has an area of 19kms and a population of 150,632 at the 2006 census.
Nguru town, northwestern Yobe state, Northen Nigeria, near the Hadeja river, a seasonal tributary of the Komaduge Yobe river, which flows into lake Chad precisely when the town was founded was unknown, but by the Kanuri people and was the seat of the Galadima the Borno governor of the western provinces. Nguru’s location in the disputed area between the Hausa state  and Bornu led it to be temporarily occupied by the forces of Muhammed Kisori, the Hausa king (1509-65) of Kano, 150 miles (240km) west southwest. Nguru was also the site above 1561 of the major victory by Kebbi, a Hausa state to the west over Bornu, but Bornu succeeded in regaining  throne  there after. Nguru once again become the seat of the Galadima about 1808,  during  Fulani  Jihad, or Holy war.
Since the arrival of the rail road in 1929, Nguru has become one of Nigeria’s major collecting points. For gum Arabic, and skins by rail to Lagos. A modern slaughter house and refrigeration plant was built there in the 1960s to process the cattle and goats pasture during the dry season in the Hadejia valley. The town serves as the chief trade centre (Sorghum, millet, peanuts, cowpeas, cotton) for the nearby Predominant  Muslim Kanuri Bade (Bade), and Manga peoples. Nguru is the northern terminus of the raiway branch from Zaria and Kano. It is also served by a local high way that connects it with the main high way network at Damaturu, to the southeast. Pop (2002) local government Area, 150, 632.    

1.     How does reliable auditing improve organization performance?
2.     How does fraud detection improve venture profitability?
1.     Ho the performances of organization does not depend on a good and reliable auditing.
2.      H1 a good and adequate auditing will help improve performance of organization.
1. TIME FACTOR: At the initial stage before I could get a good topic that is relevant to management field, it took a lot of time.
2. TRANSPORT: However, the limitation of this research work is lack of transportation which affected every researcher.
3. FINANCIAL: During the collection and gathering of data much amount of money is required and this causes some delay for the work of research work.
To help the readers to have better understanding of terms used in this study, the following definitions of the key terms listed in the study are defined below:
1. AUDITING: Is an independent examination of the financial records and statement of business organization, nonprofit making bodies, governmental agencies and parastatals etc with a view to reporting on them as to whether they show a true and fair view.
2. FRAUD: Fraud in this context refers to distortion of financial statement for whatever purpose. And also in it means appropriation of assets, or distortion of financial statement, and defalcation of figures.
3. INTERNAL CONTROL: Refers to the whole system of control, financial and otherwise established by the management in order to carry on the business of the enterprises in an orderly and efficient  manner. It ensures adherence to management policies, safeguard the assets and secure the completeness and accuracy of records.
4. BUSINESS: Business is any activity which involves the investment of capital with the aim of maximizing profit.
5. ORGANISATION: Organization refers to a set of people working towards the accomplishment of limited set of goals and service in the society.
6. SHAREHOLDERS: Shareholders are the owners of the business.
7. ERROR: Error can be described as an any intentional or un-intentional mistakes. Error can occur at any page in business transaction, processing transaction, occurrence on documentation, records of primary entry, double entry records, financial etc,
8. VENTURE: Venture is an undertaking that is dangerous, or of uncertain outcomes. A business enterprise engages in that involves some risk in expectation of gain.
9. PROFITABILITY: Is the measure of the difference between the purchase price and the cost of bringing to market. Example, the revenue  a company derives from its operation, less all explicit cost