In the 1960’s a technique of
planning by objective setting on a total organizational and individual basis
was developed, in the main by J. humble of Urinck or and partners. The system
was called management by objectives (MBO). This system was called management
performance, but it was in the area of planning that the system mad its
greatest impact.
The system rested on the setting of:
1. Quantitative
objectives i.e how much?
2. Quantitative
objectives i.e how well?
3. Verifiable
objectives i.e with what results?
It was hoped that involving
staff in the setting of their own objectives, in consultation with their
managers, would lead to better ad more committed performance by individuals,
i.e agreed plans and objectives-agreed performance.
The system was developed in
the growth era of the 1960s and adopted by numerous organizations. However, in
the recession-riddled 1970’s the system fell into disrepute many organizations
questioned whether the time and money involved in setting up the system really
paid off when the pace of change quickened and the future was so uncertain. For
example, during the three day working week era, 1973/74, organizations were
reassessing their objective on an almost daily basis.
It will be pertinent to note
that all organization are face with their particular problem and that is the
problem of participation in the setting of objective because it vary hidely
subordinates may only be involved by being there when told what management has
decided or they may set the objectives and decide methods which they are to be
achieved. In practice methods adopted lie between these two extremes and the
greater the participation of both managers and employees in the setting of
objectives, the more likely objective are to be achieved or not through their
implementation. Owe can moral really boost the organization productivity on the
long run?
The study aimed to clearly define the purpose for this
research work.
This includes the following:
i. to determine the organization morale techniques to use to in order
to boost their productivity.
ii. To find out some problems or hardship encounter by
organization as a result of management by objectives techniques used in the
iii. To find the effectiveness of management by objectives on staff
morale and productivity.
iv. To provide useful recommendations to effective of staff morale
and productivity if given chance in the organization.
v. Finally, to see how participation of employees will lead to
greater employee acceptance of performance goals and management decisions and
understanding among managers and their subordinates.
This study
is significant in a number of important ways.
the study will provide greater opportunity to managers to hidden their knowledge
on the concept of management by objectives and its effectiveness on staff
morale and productivity.
It will help the organization to describe the
techniques of management by objectives they are to use.
It will help the organization to explain how motivation
greatly influences the employee’s morale to work towards achieving its
It is
equally intended to serve as a reference materials for students, researcher and
mangers/consultants who high to carry out a research work on the subject matter.
To make
recommendations to the management of IBBI on how to design an effective
management by objectives strategies in enhancing staff morale on productivity.
Hypothesis is a testable,
tentative probable explanation of the relationship between two or more variable
that creates a state of affairs phenomenon.
The following hypotheses are put forward for this study
H0: Management by objectives does not have any
impact on staff morale and productivity.
Hi: There is great impact of management by
objectives on staff morale and productivity.
The study is centered as the impact of management by
objectives on staff morale and productivity.
The study will look at this
subject matter on staff morale at IBBI Ltd, Kaduna and will be carried out at the company
factors at Nnamdi Azikiwe bye pass Kaduna South.
Fringe benefits – An employment benefit granted by an employee that
involves a money cost without affecting basic wage rate, such as paid vacation,
group insurance, sick leave and pension.
Management – One who undertakes the function of management at any
level in the organization.
Organization – The management function of dividing the work or
activities of the business into manageable units.
Planning – The management function of
selecting the future courses of action for the business (goals, policies,
Policies – Standing plans or guides to direct and control the
activities of the business, guides to decision making.
Productivity – The amount of works turned out by a worker (or a machine)
per unit of time.
Staff– Personnel who provide specialized technical or
professional assistance (advice) to “lie” personnel.
Staffing – The assignment of task to individuals qualified to
perform them.